Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Welcome To The Solar Century!

solarcentury are the UK's leading supplier of photovoltaic panels (solar panels that are able to produce electricity). This year named as the 25th fastest growing British technology company by the Sunday Times, they have completed many installations all over the UK both commercial and domestic.

solarcentury are completely independent from the fossil-fuel industry, and their 50+ member team at the time of writing, is headed by CEO Jeremy Leggett who as well as being the author of the book The Carbon War, was an award-winning scientist, oil-industry consultant, and Greenpeace campaigner.

"Jeremy Leggett is one of the half-dozen experts most responsible for putting climate change issues on the international agenda."

Mark Hertsgaard - Washington Post.

Jeremy has recently completed another book which may be of interest to readers - published in November 2005 by Portobello Books, it's called 'Half Gone' : Peak of Oil, Gas and the Global Energy Crisis.

The technology of solar panels has come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years, with panels able to be made in many finishes and shapes, from flat to curved, and even plastic and glass laminates an example of which is the glass laminated roof commissioned from solarcentury by Orange for one of their office buildings.

Modern photovoltaic can generate electricity from light regardless of weather conditions, this makes them very suitable for even the UK climate.

Electricity is produced during day light hours, and any unused electricity is either stored for later use (battery or fuel cell for example), or the excess clean power is channeled back to your electricity supplier for which you are paid. An illustration of how a photovoltaic system works can be found on their site, along with many images and explanations of the various installations, materials, and systems that they can supply.

There isn't really much need for me to harp on about the ecological or environmental benefits over conventional electricity production methods; such as oil, coal or nuclear, as this should be immediately obvious. But the benefits to your own pocket in energy costs should be stated, as well as the added value a property aquires with such an installation.

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